Join SMART in Honoring Our 20th Anniversary Children's Literacy Champion
Dr. Suzanne LaForte
Journey to Oz
2024 Literacy Luncheon & Silent Auction Committee
Helen Stroud, Chair
Liz Turner, Staff Chair
Deanna Grissom, Auction Chair
Sally Kline, Auction Chair
DeeDee Perugini, Honorary Queen
Laura Hughes, Sponsor Chair
Dr. Emma Henrie, Committee Member
Georgianna Mullins, Committee Member
K.C. Weinand, Staff Rep
Catherine Stroud, Artist
Cami Boyett, Artist
Table Sponsorships
E.J. Pederson
Georgianna Mullins
Deanna Grissom
Dr. Joan Richardson
UTMB Family Medicine
Kathy Rush
Sally and Robert Kline

SMART Family Literacy, Inc is a 501(c)(3) tax exempt charitable organization, EIN #27-0098569.
To become an event sponsor, return your completed pledge form and high resolution logo to no later than July 15th for inclusion in the printed programs.
We request all sponsor payments no later than August 31st for inclusion in the printed event programs.

The 1874 Guest House

Dawn and Rick McCarty
Ginger L. Turner
Rose Blanchard
Abe DeAnda, M.D.
Dixie and Ron Messner
Helen and Catherine Stroud


James F. Claffy and Robert Orleanski
Gerry L. Hornstein
Emma and Bradley Henrie
Vicki and Stretch Lewis